What is Transition Coaching?

Source: Thought Co

Source: Thought Co

“Transition is the inner psychological process that people go through as they internalize and come to terms with the new situation that the change brings about.”
— William Bridges

My approach to transition coaching focuses on three aspects:

  • the appreciation of your individual traits and strengths

  • the development and implementation of a vision for a desired next stage

  • the managing of resistance and negative emotions during the transition process

More specifically, I will help you to gain clarity and a fuller appreciation of your individual strength and achievements; as well as of traits from a previous stage or negative emotions that may need to be overcome or left behind. Together, we will work on opening up new possibilities and clarify a vision for a fulfilled next stage.

When tackling a new life event there can be a sense of being overwhelmed or feeling stuck. Coaching will allow you to build and maintain the momentum for change by identifying the obstacles to making choices and moving forward.

Through coaching, we will support personal growth throughout your transition process by building courage and confidence to take the next step (and the first one). Our practices are shown to improve wellbeing and reduce stress levels associated with significant change. We will also emphasize the rekindling of relationships and expansion of your network, so that you can be comfortable in finding the people who can support you the most.

Source: MIT Sloan

Source: MIT Sloan

Career Coaching

If you are tackling a transition within your work environment, such as working towards your next promotion or struggling with a new role or a new environment, career coaching may be the best option for you. With specific practices targeted at building confidence, zooming in on your individual strength and areas of growth needed for realizing career potential, we can work together to widen your opportunities and develop your leadership skills while using mental fitness techniques to build the courage to take the next step.

Leadership Coaching

I work globally with corporate leaders, business and nonprofits leaders who are trying to make a difference in the world. If you are seeking to realize your full potential, I will support you in clarifying and pursuing your leadership goals, while being in service of the mission and strategic vision of your organiation. I will support you as you master challenges with a focus on leading others by managing resistance and discomfort during change processes; help you expore blind spots and inner saboteurs that may stand in your way, and enable your personal growth through developing greater leadership presence.

Life (Transition) Coaching

Life coaching is a type of coaching focused on personal transitions and relationships beyond the professional world. Life is filled with unexpected changes and they require quiet introspection in a neutral zone between endings and new beginnings, to gain new perspectives, become better friends to our true selves and access what gives us meaning. For example, leaving a job behind and the identity, purpose and relationships it gave us, requires major changes and is often met with uncertainty and resistance. Working with a coach can help you gain clarity of what you need to let go of - and who you want to be. Coaching can support you to build resilience by cultivating a positive mindset and familiarize you with mental fitness techniques to practice self-exploration and support positive change as you find new meaning in your life.


Access the following personalized questionnaires to guide you in exploring your next steps.

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
— George Eliot